what is osteoporosis and how can you prevent it?

Osteoporosis is a debilitating disease of the bones that can be avoided or treated. Bone is a tissue that throughout life is in constant remodeling; it is continually formed and destroyed.

During childhood and adolescence bone formation is greater than destruction, so bones grow and harden. This continues until the age of 30 or 35, when the peak bone mass is reached. After the age of 40, bone destruction exceeds the formation thus beginning the loss of bone mass, mainly in women after the start of menopause since estrogens (female hormones) normally prevent bone destruction. After the start of menopause in women or men have reached the age of 60, bones begin to lose bone mass, become fragile and prone to fractures (porous bones). If it is not prevented or if not treated in time, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until the bone fractures.

Millions of people are at risk for osteoporosis; although women are four times more likely than men, men also suffer from osteoporosis. One-third or more of women over the age of 45 are at risk for the disease at any time and half of them may suffer an osteoporotic fracture.

Fortunately there are actions you can take throughout your life to build strong bones, preserve bone mass and prevent disease; additionally, if you already have osteoporosis, you can still take measures that allow you to live safely and comfortably, avoid accidents and recover bone mass.



Osteoporotic fracture happens when the bones are not strong enough to withstand daily activities; to prevent fractures each person should become aware of certain risk factors such as hormone loss with menopause, calcium deficiency, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, cigarette and some medications; as you can see below, you can and should act by modifying some of these risk factors to avoid or decrease the effects of osteoporosis.



Each person can protect themselves from osteoporosis by making the right choices at every stage of life, reducing risk factors you can prevent osteoporosis, or if you already have it you can live comfortably and safely.

HORMONES: the loss of sex hormones in women causes loss of bone mass. If you have already finished your menstrual periods consult with your doctor about the need for hormone replacement therapy.

CALCIUM: Taking adequate amounts of calcium and other minerals helps your body build and maintain bone mass.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: bones become thick or thin in response to their use. Physical activity helps build and maintain bone strength as well as prevent bone deterioration.

LIFESTYLE: many of the things we normally do such as drinking liquor, smoking or not performing physical exercises cause loss of bone mass, abandon these inappropriate habits to avoid osteoporosis.



Calcium is an essential ingredient for bones; be generous with the calcium you take during the period of bone growth, this will help maximize bone mass. Your body also requires calcium to perform other vital functions; if you do not consume enough for these purposes your agency obtains them by pulling it out of your bones. The best source of calcium is a good diet, but if you do not acquire it in your diet you can acquire it by taking calcium supplements.https://coachingtheworld.healthcare/shop/

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